KB1040 - How Kaltura processes video after uploading

After you upload a video to Kaltura, the new video must be processed before it can be seen online. This happens on all uploads, whether you upload manually using "Media Upload" in the web interface, or if you use Kaltura Capture or the KMS Go mobile app.

What is Processing?

For each new video uploaded or created by a Kaltura tool, Kaltura actually creates multiple different "flavours" of the video in its database. These are separate video files that each have a different resolution and encoding to provide optimal playback on different platforms. In other words, your one video is turned into a few different videos behind the scenes, so that it can be viewed properly and quickly on any platform.

These multiple flavours are a big benefit to you and your viewers: your uploaded video will play on any platform regardless of the platform's operating system, screen size, or network speed. This automatic adaptation just costs you some extra time while Kaltura does the initial processing required.

How Long should processing normally take?

Processing time will depend on a number of factors:

  • The longer the duration and higher the resolution your video is, the more data must be processed. A five minute video shot in 720P resolution will take much less time to process than a 2 hour long 1080P video.
  • Kaltura server resources can get busy if many users are uploading at the same time. Kaltura's database will try to shuffle the shortest videos to the front of the queue if possible. Like any large web service, performance could depend upon the time of day or the week of the year as to how many other people (instructors and students) are simultaneously using Kaltura. (Student use around the middle or end of a term might have the largest impact on performance, by the sheer number of simultaneous users.)

The Kaltura service VCC uses is a shared service run by BCNet, a provincial agency serving colleges and universities across BC. VCC is one of many tenants using the BC Kaltura service, so server delays or system backlogs will sometimes happen. (BCNet upgrades and expands its system periodically to meet growing demand, and eLSupport get notified about system status and any issues.)

Dealing with Video Processing Issues

If your video takes many hours to process, its processing task might be stuck. Delete the item from your My Media folder and try uploading it again.

If you get abnormally-long processing delays when uploading from the Kaltura Capture application or the BCNet KMS Go mobile app, try doing a manual upload instead.

Manually Uploading a Kaltura Capture video:

Manually uploading a KMS Go app video from your device:

  • Using your mobile device's web browser, surf to VCC Moodle at http://moodle.vcc.ca
  • Login to Moodle, and select "My Media" from your Moodle user menu in the top-right of any page.
  • Click "Add New", the "Media Upload". You should be able to navigate through your devices folders or galleries to find the media you recorded on your device.
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Article ID: 960
Thu 1/7/21 3:44 PM
Thu 2/22/24 2:44 PM

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