KB1150 - Using Moodle's "My Courses" page

Tags moodle course

When you first login to Moodle, you'll usually see the "My Courses" page, where a list of all the courses you're enrolled in will appear.

These are displayed in one of three ‘views’ – Card view, List view, and Summary view.

Changing the View

You can switch between view modes by selecting the view from the drop-down menu.
In the example below we are in Card view:

Sorting your courses

You can sort the courses on this page by Course Name (alphabetical) or to show the most recently accessed courses first. You do this by selecting from the "Sort by" drop-down menu, as shown in the image, below. Note that regardless of which sort method is chosen, courses with visibility set to "Show" will be at the top of the list and those with "Hide" will follow.

Filtering and Searching

Depending on your role, you may see many courses on your "My Courses" page. So how can you change the view to show only the courses you need to see right now? If you know the name (or part of the name) of the course, you can use the Search box to find it. (Remember: this only searches the courses you are enrolled in.)

If you want to remove a single course from the My Courses view, select the vertical ellipsis on the card (or in the summary/list view) and choose ‘Remove from view’. This hides the course from your My Courses page, but does not unenroll you from the course. Note that in the same menu, you can "Star this course" (shown below).

More Filtering Options

This brings us to the final method for sorting your My Courses view:

Selecting the drop-down filter options menu on the left, you will find the following choices:

  • All – this will show all the courses for which you are enrolled (except for any that you have removed from view).
  • In progress – this will show all courses where the start date has passed but the end date is in the future.
  • Future – this will show all courses where the start date is in the future.
  • Past – this will show all courses with an end date in the past.
  • Starred – this will show any courses you have starred. This is a quick way to create a custom view that just shows the courses you're interested in right now. You can un-star a course at any time by selecting the vertical ellipsis and choosing "Unstar this course".
  • Removed from view – This view shows any courses you chose to remove from the other views. You can undo this by selecting the vertical ellipsis and choosing "Restore to view".

Maintain Accurate Course Start and End Dates

Always ensure that your course's start and end dates are accurate. Start and end dates do not affect student access to your courses, but they do affect how your courses show up when using filters on the "My Courses" page:

  • the Start Date determines if a course is seen as "Future" or "In progress".
  • the End Date determines if a course is seen as in the "Past".

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