Every Moodle course shell has a unique identifier, called a Moodle Course Shell ID. This course shell ID is attached to the end of the URL of the main page of your course.
This course's Moodle Course Shell ID is 5707 (shown here, circled in red):

(See video at the bottom of this article)
Knowing your Moodle Course Shell ID can come in handy. If you can't memorize your Moodle Course Shell IDs, write them on a post-it note near your computer!
Use your Moodle Course Shell ID to identify your course to eLearning Support, when submitting a support ticket or support email. This helps the eLearning Support team find your course quickly, without having to sort through others with similar names and ensures that we are looking at the correct course shell.
If you need to provide the course shell ID for a course in which you are not enrolled, you will need to find it by hovering your mouse over the course link (on any page of Moodle), and looking at the bottom-left of your browser window. You will see a URL similar to this: moodle.vcc.ca/course/view.php?id=5707. Again, you can see the id number at the end of the URL.
NOTE: You can also see your course shell ID on the "Need help?" block of your course, as shown in this example from course shell id 5707:

ADVANCED tip! Move from any course page to the equivalent page in another course. For example, this is the URL for the USER page of this course. Changing the course ID from 5707 to another course ID will take you to the USER page of that other course! That can save you a lot of clicks!