KB1315 - Using Kaltura Analytics to track course video use

The Kaltura media platform provides detailed analytics information to help you understand how engaged your video audience is. This can help you understand which of your videos are most effective in capturing your audience's attention, how much time your viewers spend watching, and if they watch them completely or not.

This brief video from Wagner College shows you how to access course-wide video information from inside your Moodle course, as well as how to see the viewership of a single video:

Topics Covered

Course-specific Analytics

  • Accessing video analytics for your Moodle course using the Channel Actions icon  in your course's Media Gallery
  • Getting information on video impressions and plays, and how much your Students each viewed your videos.
  • Exporting analytics data to a CSV file (for use in Excel)

Video-specific Analytics

  • How to view analytics on one particular video, by accessing analytics from your My Media area.

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