KB1176 - Assignment Grading Workflow and Annotation

This article covers the Annotation Grading interface, and gives information on controls for using Marking Workflow.

Back in Moodle version 3.1, the Grading interface was redesigned to give you a faster, more convenient work flow for marking Student assignments. The improved grading interface also makes it easier to annotate student documents on the screen, right within Moodle.

Annotation and Grading

This brief video from Moodle HQ introduces the grading and annotation screen, and describes how to use it:

The second video shows a wonderful improvement that came into effect as of Moodle version 3.3​​​​​:

Viewing Many Attached Files

If the Student has attached more than a few files as part of their submission, or if their submission contains one or more embedded videos that take up more screen space than is available, the grading interface will display a "+" icon ("View more"), indicating that not all items could be displayed at once. Click the "+" icon and all available files will be displayed.

Marking Workflow

For Assignment Activities, Moodle's Marking Workflow lets you control the release of grades to Students manually or according to a schedule.

This video from CTLR Online Developers Heidi and Venecia describes the basics of using Marking Workflow:

This features is described in more detail at Moodle.org: