KB1262 – WeBWorK: Creating Gateway Quizzes

What is a Gateway Quiz?

Gateway Quizzes expand upon the idea of "homework" by transforming a set of problems into a structured quiz that has additional settings. Gateway Quizzes allow Instructors to add time limits, control question pagination, set the number of attempts, and create unique test conditions for individual Students.

Gateway Quizzes have a little "clock" icon next to them in the list of Sets: 

Turning a WeBWorK Homework Set into a Gateway Quiz 

WeBWorK Quizzes can be built from scratch, or from created from a copy of a Homework Set. (If you don't know how to create a Homework Set in WeBWorK, see KB1257 - WeBWorK: Creating a new Homework Set)

This video shows how to create a Gateway Quiz from a copy of a Homework Set:

(The instructions below cover the video's steps in written form.)

Creating a New Set from a copy of another:

  1. Go to your WeBWorK course homepage, and click Hmwrk Sets Editor in the navigation. 

  2. To create a new homework set, click the Create tab

  3. Enter a name for the new set, select "a duplicate of the first selected set", then click the checkbox next to the Set that you want to duplicate, and click Take Action
    (Note: Consider putting the word "Quiz", "Test", or "Exam" in your quiz name. Remember, spaces are not allowed in the name.) 

Changing the new Set into a Quiz:

  1. Click the number under the "Edit Problems" column for the newly-created Set. (This puts you into the Details page for the Set.) 

  2. Under the "General Information" section, choose the assignment type gateway/quiz

  3. Set the open/close and Answer due dates, description, and any other parameters, then click Save Changes

  4. You'll notice that many new options now appear under the "General Information" section.

More about the most useful Gateway Quiz parameters:

  • Test Time Limit (min; 0=Close Date) 
    Set a limit on the number of minutes given to complete the Quiz. (A clock will count down in the corner.) 

  • Cap Test Time at Set Due Date (Yes/No) 
    Whether or not to stop the Student's Quiz attempt when the due date/time occurs, even if the time limit has not yet expired. (Defaults to Yes) 

  • Number of Graded Submissions per Test (0=infty)  
    How many times the Student can attempt the Quiz for a Grade. 

  • Time Interval for New Test Versions (min; 0=infty) 
    If multiple attempts are allowed, how many minutes must pass before the Student can make their next attempt. 

  • Number of Tests per Time Interval (0=infty) 
    This is explained above; entering "0" puts no limit on the number of allowed versions. If the time interval for new versions is infinite, this gives the total number of test/quizzes that may be taken. 

  • Order Problems Randomly (Yes/No) 
    Whether or not to present problems to Student in random order. 

  • Number of Problems per Page (0=all) 
    Organize the pagination of the Quiz by breaking it into multiple pages. 

  • Show Scores on Finished Assignments? (Yes/No) 
    Whether students should see their score after all attempts have been completed or close date has expired. 

  • Show Problems on Finished Tests  (Yes/No) 
    Similar to above, but whether students should see the problems and their work after completing each attempt. 


Related Resources: