KB1261 - WeBWorK: Developing a Homework Set

Tags math webwork

Building a Homework Set using publicly-available Problems

Every Homework Set needs to contain a collection of Problems for a Student to solve. The easiest way to populate a Homework Set with Problems is to add them from an open problem repository.

The WeBWorK Open Problem Library (OPL) contains over 30,000 reviewed and tested problems, organized by topic and by publisher/textbook. 

Video: WeBWorK: Adding Problems to a Homework Set

Selecting and adding Problems 

  1. Click Library Browser in the Main Menu on the left. 

  2. Browse by clicking on a collection like "Open Problem Library", or "Local Problems", or "From this course". 

  3. Filter the available problems by selecting from the "Subject", "Chapter", and "Section" lists. (Advanced Search provides more fields to search on, including keywords.) 

  4. Click the check Hints and/or Solutions checkboxes to let students see hints and/or solutions for the problems. 

  5. Click View Problems to see the available problems that match your criteria. 

Reviewing your selected Problems 

  1. You can randomize, edit, and try any problem by clicking the corresponding icon above each question on the right side:

  2. To add individual problems, click the Add button above each question. 

  3. To add all selected problems, click Add All

Reviewing and completing your new Homework Set 

  1. To review the problems you added and finish setup, click Edit Target Set at the top. 

  2. On the edit page, set the due dates and description, and click Save Changes

  3. To assign this homework set, click individual versions on the top of this page. 

  4. Use the options provided to assign to all current users, unassign to all users, or individually select users from the list provided. If you make individual selections, click Save to finalize your changes.

Related Resources: