KB1200 - Using Kaltura Capture to record video


The Kaltura Capture recorder is a desktop application that allows you to record webcams, screens, audio, and slideshows, integrate them into one display, and easily upload it all into your Kaltura "My Media" folder.
(Note: In some documentation, Kaltura Capture may also be referred to as "Kaltura Personal Capture".)

Using Kaltura Capture, you can:

  • Record yourself or other live video from one or more webcams (e.g. lecture capture)
  • Record a PowerPoint slideshow or your activity on one or more screens (e.g. screencast)
  • Record your voice (e.g. podcast)

...or combine many of these into an integrated presentation (e.g. users can hear your narration while watching as you flip through your PowerPoint presentation)

Installing Kaltura Capture

Getting Started with Kaltura Capture

Here's a detailed walk-through, showing how to install Kaltura Capture, record a presentation,
and upload it to your My Media area:

How to Set Recording Options in Kaltura Capture

How to Record a PowerPoint slideshow using Kaltura Capture


Making Your Captures more Efficient in Kaltura Capture

If you find that the process of uploading your media captures (particularly video) seem very slow, then perhaps the resolution of your video is set too high.

What is Resolution?

Resolution is the width and height of the image you're capturing, usually measured in pixels or "lines". For example, if you shot a photo at *MP (mega pixels) on your digital camera, you'd end up with a graphic image that measured 2400 by 3000 pixels in size (multiply those two numbers together, and it's in the neighbourhood of eight million pixels).

In video, it's common to use image resolutions of 1280x720 (aka "720P") or 1920 x 1080 ("1080P"), or even higher ("4K").

It really depends upon your needs, but if you're generally shooting a head-and-shoulders shot of yourself talking into your webcam, or recording a screencast, or showing your PowerPoint presentation on-screen, 720P will probably be adequate for your needs.

Setting Kaltura Capture's Advanced Settings

In Kaltura Capture, you can set your preferred resolution for your webcam and screen captures on the "Settings" screen, shown here:
(You can select "Manage" from the first screen in Capture, and then click the Settings "gear" icon.)

Kaltura Capture Advanced settings screen

In the above image, the user has selected "1080p" as their preferred resolution for both the webcam ("camera") and for their Screen recording.

If you find that your recordings or uploads seem too slow, try setting your "Camera recording quality" to 720p and then see if your next webcam recording uploads faster. You may need to experiment a little.

Related Resources:



Article ID: 168
Thu 12/5/19 2:38 PM
Thu 2/22/24 5:44 PM

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