KB1298 - Instant Course Contacts block using one FilterCode

FilterCodes are little instructions inside curly braces that add extra information or features. You can insert them into your Moodle Labels, Pages or Activity descriptions wherever you need them.

Teachers often want to create a "Contacts" block in their course, to make it easier for Students to contact their Teacher. Usually this involves adding text and a photograph for each Teacher into an HTML block, and must be updated whenever the teaching team changes for the course.

Using the Filtercodes tag {coursecontacts}, it becomes very easy to create a "Contacts" block listing your course's instructors, with almost no maintenance required when Teachers enroll or unenroll from the course.

The {coursecontacts} tag lists all the Teachers (aka Instructors), using information from their Moodle user profiles, including their profile image, email address, and profile description.

Here's how to make a course contacts block easily, using this FilterCode:

  • Add a new "Text" block
  • Click "Configure Text block" to begin editing it.
  • Optional: Name the block if you wish (e.g. "Course Contacts")
  • In the "Content" area, enter this text exactly as you see it here:

After you save, you'll see a picture, email address and description for each Teacher that Students can see in the course. (This information comes from the Teacher's Moodle profile, so be sure that the course Teachers have completed their contact information in their Moodle profiles.)

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VCC Moodle includes an advanced feature called "FilterCodes" which allows you to personalize and enhance your online course by including course and user-specific details.

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