KB1240 - Known Issue: Glossary Entries Missing from Copied Course

When a course shell has been copied from another course shell, you will often find that the glossary entries are missing. This is because the glossary is considered an ACTIVITY and not a RESOURCE and the entries are tied to the users (student or instructor) who entered them. If the course copy did not include users, then all of the entries will be lost. This can also affect any activities that draw their questions and answers from the glossaries, such as the Crossword activity.


If your new course shell has already been created, you can do one of the following:

  1. Export and Import the entries (available to Teacher and Manager* roles). See Knowledgebase article KB1053 for more information on this.
  2. Use the Sharing cart tool to copy from the original course shell to the new course shell, being sure to check the option to copy user data (available to the Manager* role and eLearning Support staff**, only)

If your new shell has NOT yet been created, you can prepare it before copying, as explained in KB1269.

* Department leaders and assistants usually have been assigned the Manager role in Moodle.
** When requesting assistance from eLearning Support, send your request to elsupport@vcc.ca and be sure to include a link to both courses (the original and the destination) in your request.