KB1237 - Adding preferred pronouns / customizing a Moodle profile

Here's how you (and your students) can add preferred pronouns and make other customizations to the way your name is displayed in Moodle:

1. Open your Moodle Profile:

Moodle user menu, with Profile option highlighted

2. Select Edit Profile:

Moodle user profile page with Edit Profile highlighted


3. Type to add the pronouns to the end of the Alternate name field:

Moodle edit user profile settings

4. Scroll to the bottom and select Update Profile:

Moodle edit user profile settings

Your Moodle Profile will be updated, and your name, as visible to other Moodle users, will look like this:

Moodle user menu, with modified name displayed

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Article ID: 1032
Tue 2/23/21 1:55 PM
Tue 8/22/23 1:23 PM