If you need to update a video that's already published to numerous web pages or online courses, using Kaltura's "Replace Media" option will save you a lot of work!
If you've shared a link to one of your videos out to colleagues, or have used a Kaltura link or embed code to add a video to one or more web pages or Moodle courses, updating that video later might seem like a daunting task. For example, if the video was hosted at YouTube or Vimeo, your new video would have a new and different link or embed code, and you'd need to find all the places where you old video had been shared or embedded, and manually replace the old video link/code with the new one.
Think of a video that has been embedded in a Moodle course, and then think of how many times that Moodle course may have been copied to create new courses, term after term. One video could end up being published into dozens of courses by instructors or staff with editing access to that course. The thought of this could be enough to discourage one from updating!
Kaltura has a solution to make replacements simple and direct: it lets you replace a video once, at its source, automatically ensuring that all shared links or previously-published embed codes will point to the new version of the video. In other words, you replace once, and let Kaltura worry about all your shares and publishing locations.
How to use Kaltura's "Replace Media" feature
As the owner or a co-editor of a Kaltura media entry, you can do the following to replace media in place:
- In your "My Media" area, edit the media you want to replace.
- Hit the "Replace Media" tab.
- Upload your new replacement media.
- Approve the replacement.
- Wait for Kaltura's processing step to complete.
After it's done, the same EntryID will display your new media file, and all links or embeds that led to the old media will now lead to or display your new media.
Things to Note
- Previous analytics data (impressions, plays, etc.) will be retained with the entry, even after its media has been replaced.
- New captions may not be generated on the entry when media is replaced! You may need to delete the previous captions and make a new "Captions and Enrich" request to create new captions for the replacement media.
Related Resources: