KB1061 - Integrating a Kaltura Quiz with Moodle Gradebook

Kaltura video Quizzes can be integrated with your course's Moodle Gradebook.

This allows Student scores to be published to the gradebook alongside other student activity grades. (Without the following actions, a Kaltura Quiz won't publish marks to Moodle's Gradebook, so wouldn't contribute to the Student's overall grade in your course.)

You'll be creating a new "External Tool" activity, which will use one of your existing Kaltura Quizzes.

Here are the steps to integrate your Kaltura Quiz with your course's Gradebook:

  1. With editing turned on, select "Add Activity or Resource", and select the "External Tool" activity.
  2. Enter a name for this activity (e.g. "Week 2 Video Quiz")
  3. In the External Tool Activity, under "Preconfigured Tool", select "Kaltura Video Quiz" (this is the connector to your Gradebook)
  4. Click "Select Content" and choose the Kaltura Video Quiz you want to use. (Existing Kaltura Quizzes are shown in your My Media area, but you can also pick from your course "Media Gallery" or a Shared Repository.)
  5. Click "Embed" to select the Quiz media you want to use. (You're returned to the Activity setup page.)
  6. Under "Grade", you can set other grading options, such as "Maximum Grade", and check other settings, common to other Moodle activities.
  7. Save your changes when done. You will now see this activity listed in your Grader Report.

This video from Kaltura demonstrates this setup process for you:

Interactive Video Quiz Gradebook in Moodle:

Related Resources: