KB0999 - What is Moodle?

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So, what is this "Moodle" program anyway, and what can I do with it?

Good question! Everyone starts somewhere, so we'll try to give you some background on what Moodle is and why you should use it at VCC.

Moodle is VCC's main LMS (Learning Management System). The name "Moodle" is an acronym for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment.

Moodle is free, open software that is managed by Moodle HQ. (Read all about Moodle on their About page.)

But what is this thing called Moodle?

Here's a punchy promo video, followed by a detailed "use-case" walkthrough of Moodle's features:

Moodle at Vancouver Community College

At Vancouver Community College, Moodle is used for everything from storing course resources to delivering blended and fully online courses.
VCC's Moodle systems are maintained and supported by the eLearning Support team in the Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Research. eLearning Support (aka "eLSupport") provides Moodle training and technical support for all VCC Faculty and Staff.

At VCC, Faculty assist their students with any issues encountered in their Moodle course, while eLSupport assists Faculty with troubleshooting issues. eLSupport lso provides training in Moodle content authoring, course administration, and rich media development.

At VCC, Faculty helps Students in their online learning, and eLearning Support helps Faculty.

Moodle is Open and Extendable

Here's a slideshow that explains Moodle's open, extendable design - using a Lego paradigm:

Now that you have a better idea of what Moodle is, check out the articles below to decide your next steps...

Other Useful Articles:

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