KB1328 - Using the Rubrics report

Moodle's rubrics feature is a very useful way to grade student submissions. Rubrics contain different criteria, and students are graded according to their level for each criterion.

To learn more about using rubrics in your Moodle course, visit the knowledgebase article KB1032 - Advanced Grading with Rubrics and Marking Guides.

However... once you have graded your students using a rubric, it can take a few clicks to see how they were graded for each criterion, since Moodle stores the overall grade in the gradebook, and not the grades for each criterion. This is where the Rubrics report can be useful - it allows you to view the grades awarded to all students, in all criteria of a rubric. Here's how you use the rubrics report - we are assuming here that you have created a rubric and awarded grades to some or all of your class using the rubric.

From the course submenu, select Grades (not Reports):


On the next page, select Rubrics report from the dropdown menu:


Now select the activity that contains the rubric you want to view (any Assignment or Forum in your course that contains a rubric will appear in this list):


Under Data to include you can select which data to include in your report, e.g. whether to include feedback for each criterion/overall feedback.

Select Submit and a report will appear on the screen. You can download this as a spreadsheet for offline viewing if you prefer.

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