KB1054 - Best Pedagogy Using Clickers

This document suggests best practices in clicker pedagogy at VCC:

Student Response Systems ("clickers") are wireless response pads used by students to provide teachers with immediate feedback from informal quizzes and polls. The students reply anonymously and the distribution of answers to each question is shown and recorded in the interface.

Related Resources

  • For pedagogical support with Clickers (teaching strategies, etc.) please contact the Instructional Associates in the Centre for Instructional Development at IAsupport@vcc.ca
  • For help setting up your clicker receiver and TurningPoint software for the first time, contact eLSsupport@vcc.ca to book a one-to-one setup session.
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Article ID: 189
Thu 12/5/19 11:48 AM
Thu 11/17/22 9:30 AM

Related Services / Offerings (1)

Inquiries about real-time user support: in-person, web conferencing, or phone.