KB1208 - Using Moodle's Recycle Bin

Tags moodle course

If you delete a resource or activity from your Moodle course, you can recover it in a few minutes, using Moodle's Recycle Bin.

If you have recently deleted a course resource or activity, you will have up to seven days to change your mind and get it back from the Recycle Bin (after which, it is gone).

IMPORTANT NOTE about the following video, which was created using Moodle 3.1 Clean theme:
At VCC, in Moodle 3.6 with the Boost theme, you'll find the Recycle Bin link under the gear icon at the top-right of your course.

Have a look at the Moodle Docs for the Recycle Bin, which include this video:

(The Moodle.org documentation shows version 3.1 using the Clean theme, which looks different from VCC's current version.)

Tip: The Recycle Bin is also available at the Category level, allowing one to restore courses that have been deleted.

Related Resources:

delete, remove, restore, recover, recycle, trash

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