KB1270 - End of Course Procedures


VCC has the following records retention policies:

  • Moodle course shells must be kept for 3 years (new policy as of August 2024)
  • Moodle gradebooks must be kept for 7 years

As mentioned, VCC is required to keep a copy of the Moodle Gradebook for seven years after the end of a course. However, we keep the course shell for only three years. Therefore, if your course uses the Moodle Gradebook, you should download it as an Excel spreadsheet and keep a copy of it on your department's network drive. Speak to your department head or departmental assistant to find out where you should store the file, and how it should be named for future identification.

Here are the general end of term steps to follow:

  1. "Close" your course by changing its Visibility setting from Show to Hide, on the course settings page. (See KB1025)
  2. If your Moodle course uses the Moodle gradebook, download (export) an Excel copy and save it to your department's network driver or other location as directed by your Department Head. (See KB1272)
  3. If you would like to keep a backup copy (zip/mbz file) of your course (in a secure location outside of Moodle), now is the time to make that backup and download it. Backups made on the Moodle server are kept for only 3 months before automatically being deleted. (See KB1271)

If you are wanting a copy of your Moodle course shell for the next term:

  1. If your course has a Glossary Resource create an .xml file containing the glossary terms, to be imported later into your copy. (See KB1269)




Article ID: 2789
Wed 1/12/22 1:57 PM
Thu 2/13/25 12:12 PM