KB1171 - Moodle Gradebook Basics


Moodle's Gradebook is a powerful tool for assessing student coursework and managing grades in Moodle. It can be complex, but it doesn't have to be daunting to get started.

Here are two video tutorials from CTLR that will make it much easier to understand and begin using Gradebook in your Moodle courses.

CTLR's Online Developers, Heidi and Venecia, have created an excellent introduction to Gradebook Setup for Moodle:

eLSupport's technician (and resident Gradebook guru) Blair Friesen goes into more detail on best practices in Gradebook Setup:

From Blair: "We're ALL guilty of jumping into the deep end without first testing the waters.  Our time is limited, and we just have to "get'er done!" so we just start poking away without taking the time to learn the basics. Well, now's your chance. So, brew a cup'o tea, sit back and watch every riveting moment of this video. Who knows? You may learn only one new thing, but that could potentially be a game changer for you!"
Video length: 17:56



Article ID: 255
Thu 12/5/19 4:04 PM
Wed 5/15/24 6:51 PM