KB1281 - Moodle Course Naming Standards



  1. In order to enforce the new naming standards the ability to change a course name may only available to those in a Moodle 'manager' role those departments. 
  2. Oct 28, 2022: Instructor Surnames will no longer be included by default in the standard names. 
  3. Apr 23, 2024: Changes have been made to account for courses where the CRN happens to be the same as in one or more previous years. 

All Moodle shells have a full name and a short name.

The full name shows up under the "My courses" page, the Dashboard, and at the top of every course shell.

The short name shows up in various places where the long name is not appropriate due to the space available. The short name MUST be unique on the Moodle server.

Both the full and short names must include the CRN.  **In special circumstances, optional additional identifiers (e.g., AM/PM) may be added AFTER the CRN by someone in a Manager or Administrator role only. However, we recommend using the course summary section for this additional information, instead (*see image, below).

All academic Moodle shells follow the following VCC standard course format.

Long Names

[Subject Code] [Course number] - [Official Course Name] ([Term]-[CRN]) **optional additional identifier


  • MATH 1200 - Calculus 2 (202460-60234) AM Class
  • BIOL 1120 - Human Anatomy & Physiology 1 (202460-60986) M/W Class

Note: In instances where there are multiple CRNs all CRNs should be included in the long name.

Short Names

[Subject Code] [Course number] [Term]-[CRN]


  • MATH 1200 202360-60234

*If you wish to provide further course information for display on lists and summaries, enter this information in the Description/Course summary field of the course settings page.



Article ID: 3443
Mon 4/4/22 1:53 PM
Thu 8/29/24 12:06 PM