KB1297 - Converting PowerPoint to Video


PowerPoint is great for a classroom presentation, but not for online presentations.

Uploading a PowerPoint slideshow into your Moodle course is easy for the instructor, but creates inconvenience for Students: Studentas must download the slideshow (which could be a large file), and then need PowerPoint or some compatible player/viewer program in order to watch it.

Converting PowerPoint to video

Converting your slideshow into a video makes it much easier to view online in any web-connected device, with less action required by the viewer.

This article (and video) from Microsoft details how to export your powerPoint slideshow as an MP4 video file.

Save a presentation as a video​ in PowerPoint

Where to host your video

Once you've created a video file, VCC's Kaltura video host system is the perfect place to store it for distribution to VCC Moodle or other VCC web sites. 



Article ID: 5714
Tue 5/16/23 4:22 PM
Thu 8/10/23 4:48 PM