KB1126 - Assigning the Sign Language Interpreter Role


Here are the steps to SETTING UP an Interpreter so that they have access to a Moodle course without appearing on the participants list.

These instructions are for eLearning Support Staff only, to perform after the request has been made per this article: KB1123 - Obtaining Interpreter Access to a Course.

  1. From the first page of the course requiring access by an Interpreter, click on the "Participants" link at the top.
  2. In the drop-down list at the top-left, choose "Other users."
  3. Click on the [Assign roles] button, near the top of the next screen.
  4. Click on role "Interpreter/DS Advisor"
  5. Search user names or email addresses in right-hand search box, and once you find the correct person, click them and click "Add". They will appear in the "Existing users" list on the left.

Don't forget to let the Department Head and the Interpreter know that access has been granted, but mention that they will NOT see the courses on their course menus, and Students and Teachers in the course will not see them online.

Tip: If you have several courses to process, look up their Moodle Course IDs first. Then, when you finish Step 6, just replace the Course ID in the address bar of the browser, and you won't have to click through everything for each individual course.



Article ID: 265
Thu 12/5/19 4:13 PM
Mon 7/31/23 2:22 PM

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