KB1326 - Use the All Courses Search to find your upcoming courses



With the BANNER/Moodle integration processes new Moodle "template" shells are automatically created for upcoming courses approximately 3 months before the beginning of the term in which the course begins. Usually, a notification is sent out by eLearning Support to faculty and staff once a new term's shells have been created.

Once the term shells are made, registered students and assigned instructors are auto-enrolled into the Moodle shells. 

Oftentimes, the instructor assignments have not yet been updated with Academic Scheduling and so the instructor is not enrolled into the shell. When this happens, not only is the instructor unable to see the shell on their "My courses" list, but a search will turn up nothing because the course is hidden from anyone not enrolled in it.

To get around this, we've created a way for instructors to search ALL courses, regardless of their enrolment in the course shell. We are calling this tool the "All Courses Search."

When accessing this report, you will need to use the filters to help you find what you're looking for. You would probably search for course name, or CRN (even better).

The report looks similar to what you see in the following image:

  1. The first column shows the course short name, which includes the subjectnumberterm, and CRN.
  2. The second column shows the course full name (with a link), which includes the subjectnumberofficial name, and CRN
  3. The third column shows the course visibility status (i.e., is the course currently visible to students?)
  4. The fourth column shows the Moodle category name (with a link) in which the course resides. The category is usually named by termorg code, and some four letter code identifying the program or department.

TIP 1: All of these columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading. 

TIP 2: You can click on the show all link at the bottom of the page to show all of the courses on one page.

TIP 3: You can use CTRL+F to bring up a search field to help you find text on the page. 

BEST TIP of all: You can also...

  1. filter the list by
  • category
  • course full name
  • Banner ID

If you filter by Banner ID and use "ends with," you can enter the CRN for the best results.



Article ID: 10721
Thu 9/5/24 2:00 PM
Tue 10/29/24 4:51 PM